In Elden Ring, the Confessor class is one of the starting possibilities. The class, as in previous FromSoftware games, will provide players an advantage in the early stages of the game but will become less important as the game progresses. Regardless of rank, the Confessor provides a solid blend of melee combat and divine spells.
In Elden Ring, a character’s initial class has no bearing on what they can become. However, it is possible that players will not have enough runes and things until late in the game to create the construct they choose. Unlike Dark Souls, the Lands Between can be explored for 15 to 25 hours with only your starting items.
Confessor Build Gear

And while we’re on the subject of gear, we’ll go through our recommended weapons, armor, and talismans in greater depth further down. Don’t accept what we say as objective facts; everything we say is based on our personal preferences and experiences. What works for us might not work for you, and the beauty of Elden Ring is that you can switch up your loadout whenever you want.
You can change your gear around whenever you want when you level up and get some of the best melee weapons or armor sets in the game.
The key thing to remember is that the Elden Ring Confessor Build is focused on strength and faith, so stay away from armaments that require other attributes to function. Many melee weapons in the game, such as the Elden Ring Moonlight Greatsword, scale primarily based on characteristics like intelligence.
Confessor Build Weapons

Elden Ring, unlike previous FromSoftware games, includes a whole new Ash of War system that lets players infuse multiple talents into their weapons while also changing their scale. This means that if the player selects the suitable type of affinity, weapons that would not usually scale with a certain stat can do so.
Let’s take a look at the Confessor’s first broadsword, for example. This weapon started out with a D on the strength scale and an E on the dexterity scale. If players apply the flame or sacred affinities to it, the sword acquires a D in faith scaling when there was previously none, and its strength rating decreases to an E.
You can technically make most weapons useful for any type of building using this method, and you won’t be limited by their initial ranks. The only exceptions are the few unique armaments in the game that are particularly built for specific builds, such as the Serpentbone Blade, which is one of Elden Ring’s best katanas.
Although this approach provides a lot of freedom in how a player creates their character, we still have some suggestions for our Elden Ring Confessor Build.
To begin with, the Uchigatana is an excellent pick for any melee-wielding character. I understand that it isn’t a traditional weapon for Faith builds, but I still believe it is one of the greatest weapons in the game. It isn’t even the most difficult armament to locate in the game, but it is still worthwhile.
Remember, you’re supposed to be putting your faith in the Confessor’s strength as well. So, for a maximum of an A in strength scaling, you can use the heavy affinity, or the flame and Sacred affinities, for a maximum of a B in faith scaling.
It’s up to you, but keep in mind that the highly important “Blood Loss Buildup” passive effect applies anyway. As you fight regularly and fill up the metre, the hemorrhage status activates, doing massive damage to your opponents.
Coded Sword
The Coded Sword isn’t a weapon you’ll come across in the first 20 hours or so of the game, especially if you’re taking your time exploring the globe. It is, however, an amazing powerhouse of a weapon for Faith to build. So, once you’ve arrived in Leyndell’s Royal Capital, make sure to grab it as one of your first jobs.
This attack does not deliver physical damage but instead deals holy damage with each attack. We’re looking at an immensely powerful addition to our Elden Ring Confessor Build with a B in Faith scaling by default, which can be improved to an A at +6. If you’re thinking about altering your stats to just use this weapon, I wouldn’t touch Strength with a ten-foot pole.
The sword also features the “Unblockable Blade” ability, which is available on only one other weapon in the game. It enables the player to deal harm to their opponents even when they are blocking.
Blasphemous Blade
Until now, we’ve been dealing with smaller weapons, but now it’s time to add a greatsword to the mix. The Blasphemous Blade is an excellent choice for players that want to deal a lot of damage in a short period of time. It’s also a rather diverse arsenal, with a D in Strength, Dexterity, and Faith.
The Faith scale changes to a C when you upgrade the sword to +3. After that, when you hit +10, your rank turns back to a B. Unfortunately, the Strength and Dexterity ranking never rises above a C at +9, but it isn’t required to. More about this in our post on Elden Ring Strength Weapons.
The Blasphemous Blade cannot be customized with Ashes of War because it is a one-of-a-kind item. On the other hand, it’s own distinctive ‘Taker’s Flames’ skill is a sight to behold. Players can use this to engulf the weapon in flames, which will heal a tiny percentage of their health bar with each successful attack.
Cipher Pata
Have you ever wished to wield a fist weapon imbued with the power of holy light? Well, now you can with the help of the cypher Pata, which is not an item for everyone. It’s essentially a pair of short twin blades that erupt from your wrists, requiring you to fight in incredibly close quarters.
The Cipher Pata can be obtained as soon as you get access to the Roundtable Hold, but it will cost you 30 faith points to properly wield it. In exchange, the weapon starts with a C in Faith scaling, which changes to a B at +2 and an A at +10. So, while this weapon scales well early on, it requires a significant amount of upgrading to attain its full capability.
This is the only other weapon in the game with the “Unblockable Blade” skill, which allows it to assault through opponent defenses. It also doesn’t cause any physical damage, instead of focusing on the Holy.
Sword of Night and Flame
The Sword of Night and Flame is our final weapon option for this Elden Ring Confessor Build. And, while this weapon is ideal for faith builds, it also works well for intelligence builds. The only problem is that wielding it takes 12 points in strength and dexterity, as well as 24 points in faith and intelligence.
And sure, asking someone to invest so many points in statistics that they would not otherwise use is a major pain. But believe me when I say that the Sword of Night and Flame is well worth it. In fact, I’ll go ahead and state that when facing bosses with a B in faith and intelligence scaling at +10, this weapon is plainly broken.
Its particular talent, “Night-and-Flame Stance,” may also quickly eliminate foes. You can use it to unleash two types of powerful abilities. The Comet Azur spell is a sweeping flame attack with a big arc, and the other is a sweeping flame strike with a massive arc. This sorcery is included in our Elden Ring Best Spells guide as one of the new additions.
Confessor Build Sacred Seals

The Sacred Seals are the catalysts that allow you to cast all of the incantations in Elden Ring. While everyone can cast every faith-based spell, certain seals increase the effectiveness of different sorts of incantations.
Some of them scale better with faith than others, but the only decision you have to make is the types of spells you choose to utilize. Personally, I’d recommend:
- Godslayer’s Seal: Increases the effectiveness of godslayer type incantations and increases faith scaling by 14 ranks to S level.
- Increases the effectiveness of Dragon Communion type Incantations and increases Faith scaling by 7 ranks to S level.
- Erdtree Seal: Doesn’t raise any specific form of Incantation, but it does increase Faith scaling by 5 ranks to S level.
Apart from the three described above, there are a few more in the game, but these are the greatest.
Confessor Build Incantations

Incantations should be included in any Elden Ring Confessor Build. As previously stated, these are distinct from sorceries and allow you to cast a variety of healing, boosting, and offensive spells.
There are numerous incantations throughout the game, but we’ll go over a few of the most potent and beneficial for the Confessor. The following list is based on our personal tastes once again. It’s fine if you have a different opinion.
Lightning Spear
Making a Confessor build sans the Lightning Spear is borderline heresy. This is a fan-favorite skill that has appeared in every Dark Souls game to date, and its presence in Elden Ring was almost a certain conclusion if the Faith stat was involved.
This lets you conjure a lightning spear in your hand and fling it at the adversary with great force, as the name implies. This spell not only feels great to perform, but it also does a substantial amount of damage and is cast quickly. For a long time, the lightning spear has been a defining feature of most faith-based setups.
Electrify Armament
I’m not going to lie: this is probably one of my favorite incantations in the game. It allows you to electrify the weapon in your hand, allowing it to deal a substantial amount of lightning damage in addition to its normal damage type.
The cost of using this is relatively low, costing only 10 FP per cast and lasting a decent 90 seconds. It allows you to shave off enormous amounts of health from bosses when used against them, especially if the seal you’re using to cast it is suitably leveled up. However, unique weapons like the Moonveil Katana are not affected by benefits like these.
Beast Claw
In Elden Ring, the Beast Claw is unrivaled in terms of pure worth. It only takes 10 FP to cast, but you get a decently damaging incantation that can be used in rapid succession, one after the other, as long as you have the FP reserves.
Furthermore, the spell has a reasonable casting time and only requires 8 faith points to use. However, getting this will take some time because you must first acquire five Deathroot and bring them to Beast Clergyman Gurranq in the Bestial Sanctum.
Black Flame
This installment of our Elden Ring Confessor Build is a real delight. The Godskin Prayerbook can be found in Stormveil Castle and given to Brother Corhyn at the Roundtable Hold to obtain the Black Flame early in the game. It can be equipped with a reasonable 20 faith once acquired.
This incantation allows players to hurl a ball of black, foreboding flame at their foes, which can be charged for more damage. The best part is that it deals damage to your targets over time, allowing you to strike an adversary and then step back and watch the magic happen.
Bloodflame Blade
This final choice on our Incantations list is a little different in nature than some of the others, but it’s well worth your time. To perform this spell, you’ll need 10 points in Arcane and 12 points in Faith, but the Confessor class already has 9 Arcane and 14 Faith. As a result, the standards aren’t particularly stringent.
The Bloodflame Blade enchants your weaponry with a red light when used. And the spell continues to fill up the blood loss meter for a little period after you are hit with the weapon in question. When you combine this bonus with a weapon like the Uchigatana, which already inflicts blood loss, you have a monster on your hands capable of rending adversaries in a matter of seconds.
Confessor Build Armor

When it comes to Elden Ring Armor, I’m not a big fan of specific sets and their distinct bonuses. I select a loadout depending on its weight and the amount of physical and magical damage reduction it provides.
It’s not worth it to choose a set that may provide me with a +3 to my Faith stat but leaves me vulnerable to attacks. And there are just a handful of armor sets that I would recommend for an Elden Ring Confessor Build in this regard.
Black Knife Set
While many sets alternate between strong physical and magical damage reduction, only a few manage to perform both at once. The Black Knife Set is an example of a set that provides decent damage reduction in general, despite the fact that it never truly excels at anything.
This is the set for you if you play a character who employs both ranged magic spells and melee attacks in equal measure. Additionally, it provides a muffling effect that prevents foes from hearing you while sneaking. So, if you wish to incorporate some stealth into your gameplay, you can do so.
Scaled Set
The Scaled Set is a massive set that is ideal for an Elden Confessor build that focuses on melee fighting. This is one of the greatest sets for you in the game, with a 36.7 physical damage reduction. It also has better than average magic damage reduction, ensuring that you’re safe from spells.
The set does, however, have a weight value of 38, which is far too high for most magic builds. If you want to use this armor, you’ll need to put a lot of endurance points into it.
Confessor Build Talismans

Talismans are used extensively in all types of construction, and as a result, the environment is strewn with various types of them.
And just a few characters in the game have the power to create or break a Confessor construct. So we’ll go over them in detail below, along with why we believe you should have them on hand at all times.
Also Read: Elden Ring Moonveil Katana: Location, Stats, Playstyle, Gear, Armor, Talismans
Two Fingers Heirloom
The Two Fingers Heirloom is a talisman that boosts your faith stat by a whopping 5 points. On paper, the importance of this is obvious, since it gives you a significant boost to one of your two key metrics as a Confessor. The better your gear performs and the more damage you do, the more faith you have.
When a single level up costs tens of thousands of runes later in the game, a talisman-like this allows you to potentially invest in secondary stats like endurance and mind without diminishing your faith’s potency. So, for any Confessor, this is a must-have.
Ancestral Spirit’s Horn
If you know you’ll be using incantations a lot, you should try the Ancestral Spirit’s Horn. It’s just a great item that makes you self-sufficient and assures you that you won’t need to use recovery items as often.
Because each opponent you kill with this talisman restores 3 FP to your character. There are no strings attached. You don’t have to get a critical hit, and you don’t have to pay a secondary debuff to get it. When you kill a foe, you will immediately acquire FP, allowing you to keep going for a long time before needing to use a flask of Cerulean Tears.
Radagon Icon
While there are several advantages to playing as a caster, one of the most obvious disadvantages is that you are frequently vulnerable to opposing attacks. Who among us hasn’t attempted to cast a spell during a boss fight only to discover that the window of opportunity was not as large as we had assumed and subsequently paid a high price for it?
We have the Radagon Icon to prevent scenarios where the long casting times of spells cause us to fumble. This talisman’s function is to dramatically shorten the time it takes to perform your spells, allowing you to never be caught off guard. Consider how incantations like the Lightning Spear would be fired out like a hail of machinegun fire.
Confessor Build Playstyle

Unlike pure combat builds, the Elden Ring Confessor can be played as a pure spellcaster or as a hybrid of melee and magic.
If you’re primarily interested in casting, you should keep your playstyle reserved. Keep your distance from enemies at all times, and never get caught in the middle of a swarm of them. If this happens, it’s almost a death sentence because you won’t be able to perform any incantations or even flee.
Instead of Crimson Tears, you should give your flasks of Cerulean Tear’s extra slots. As a ranged player, you’ll want to make sure you can recharge your FP at any time because you won’t be able to accomplish anything if you don’t. You won’t be able to heal or buff yourself, and you won’t be able to cast spells. Of course, healing flasks should always be on hand, but the main purpose here is to keep yourself safe at all times.
In the meantime, if you’re playing as a hybrid, your playstyle should revolve around strengthening your weapons and then attacking adversaries as close as possible. Although you shouldn’t go directly into groups, melee armaments have a much better chance of assisting you in escaping circumstances like this. Also, when it comes to healing and FP recovery, keep your flasks split 70/30.
Debuff and damage your adversaries from afar with a mix of medium and close-range Incantations, then go in close to finish them off with your melee weapons. Tossing black flame at difficult enemies and then approaching them with my Electrified Armament as they near the end of their health bars is one of my favorite tactics.
The nicest part about Confessors is that you can play as one or both of these playstyles at the same time. Consider playing as someone who uses their greatswords to assault first, then lets their Black Flames finish off adversaries when they’re on their final legs. It’s entirely up to you, so keep these pointers in mind when you create your character.
This concludes our build guide for the Elden Ring Confessor. Why not have a look at our Elden Ring Two-Hand Button Guide while you’re here?
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