Sims 4 PC cheats: Buff types, Parenthood cheats

Sims 4 is a life simulation video game. In this game, players create a sim character and control their life to explore different personalities which change the way the game plays out. In Sims 4 you can use cheat code to make your gameplay more entrancing. To use cheat code firstly, you have to open the cheat console.

To open cheat console in PC press CTRL+SHIFT+C. Once the cheat console is open you will have to input the cheat code TestingCheats On (or Testingcheats True). When TestingCheats is enabled, you can also use other cheats. To turn off TestingCheats, type TestingCheats Off (or TestingCheats False) into the cheat console.

To close cheat console simply press the same keys.

? Buff types

To use mood buffs follow “sims.add_buff” cheat command.

Cheat CodeResult
WeenieRoastHost_Bronze+1 Confident / 4 Hours
ConstellationFormations+1 Focused / 6 Hours
CampingForest_Refreshed+1 Happy / 2 Days
WalleyeSurprise_Inspired+1 Inspired / 6 Hours
WeenieRoastHost_Silver+2 Confident / 4 Hours
Confidenthigh+2 Confident / 4 Hours
Flirtyhigh+2 Flirty / 4 Hours
Focusedhigh+2 Focused / 4 Hours
+2 Happy / 2 Days
HappilyEverAfter_GreatStory+2 Happy / 4 Hours
AGreatScare_GreatStoryteller+2 Happy / 4 Hours
TalesoftheDead_GreatStoryteller+2 Happy / 4 Hours
InspirationalMoral_GreatStoryteller+2 Inspired / 4 Hours
Inspiredhigh+2 Inspired / 4 Hours
ASillyScare_GreatStoryteller+2 Playful / 4 Hours
HerbalistPotion_DisgustingLiquid+2 Uncomfortable / 1 Hour
WeenieRoastHost_Gold+3 Confident / 4 Hours
TreasuredTale_GreatStoryteller+3 Energized / 4 Hours
MagicIsReal_GreatStoryteller+3 Inspired / 4 Hours
SpineTinglingThrill_GreatStoryteller+3 Inspired / 4 Hours
Buff_depressed+4 Sad / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Fearless+5 Confident / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_InTheZone+5 Focused / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Elated+5 Happy / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Imaginative+5 Inspired / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Silly+5 Playful / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Passionate+6 Flirty / 20 Days

Also Read: The Sims 4 | All The Skill Cheats & Codes You Might Need

? Parenthood Cheats

sims 4 parenting cheats
Cheat CodeResult
traits.equip_trait ArgumentativeAdd Argumentative Trait
traits.equip_trait BadMannersAdd Bad Manners Trait
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_BearAdd Bear Phase
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_ClingyAdd Clingy Phase
traits.equip_trait CompassionateAdd Compassionate Trait
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_DistantAdd Distant Phase
traits.equip_trait EmotionalControlAdd Emotionally Controlled Trait
traits.equip_trait GoodMannersAdd Good Manners Trait
traits.equip_trait IrresponsibleAdd Irresponsible Trait
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_LoudAdd Loud Phase
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_MeanStreakAdd Mean Streak Phase
traits.equip_trait MediatorAdd Mediator Trait
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_PickyEater_AAdd Picky Eater Phase A
traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_BAdd Picky Eater Phase B
traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_CAdd Picky Eater Phase C
traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_DAdd Picky Eater Phase D
traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_DisgustedByFoodAdd Picky Eater Phase E
traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_FAdd Picky Eater Phase F
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_RebelliousAdd Rebellious Phase
traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_ResponsibleAdd Responsible Trait
traits.equip_trait UncontrolledAdd Uncontrolled Trait
traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_UnfeelingAdd Unfeeling Trait
curfew.set_curfewQuickly change the curfew of the current household. Valid values for are 19, 21, and 23.
traits.remove_traitArgumentativeRemove Argumentative Trait
traits.remove_trait BadMannersRemove Bad Manners Trait
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_BearRemove Bear Phase
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_ClingyRemove Clingy Phase
traits.remove_trait CompassionateRemove Compassionate Trait
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_DistantRemove Distant Phase
traits.remove_trait EmotionalControlRemove Emotionally Controlled Trait
traits.remove_trait GoodMannersRemove Good Manners Trait
traits.remove_trait IrresponsibleRemove Irresponsible Trait
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_LoudRemove Loud Phase
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_MeanStreakRemove Mean Streak Phase
traits.remove_trait MediatorRemove Mediator Trait
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_PickyEater_ARemove Picky Eater Phase A
traits.remove_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_BRemove Picky Eater Phase B
traits.remove_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_CRemove Picky Eater Phase C
traits.remove_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_DRemove Picky Eater Phase D
traits.remove_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_DisgustedByFoodRemove Picky Eater Phase E
traits.remove_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_FRemove Picky Eater Phase F
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_RebelliousRemove Rebellious Phase
traits.remove_trait LifeSkills_ResponsibleRemove Responsible Trait
traits.remove_traitUncontrolledRemove Uncontrolled Trait
traits.remove_trait LifeSkills_UnfeelingRemove Unfeeling Trait
stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_ConflictResolution Sets Conflict Resolution Value | should be a value between -100 and 100
stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_EmotionalControl Sets Emotional Control Value | should be a value between -100 and 100
stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Empathy Sets Empathy Value | should be a value between -100 and 100
stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Manners Sets Manners Value | should be a value between -100 and 100
stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Responsibility Sets Responsibility Value | should be a value between -100 and 100

? Cheats Commands

To open cheat console press  CTRL+SHIFT+C and type the cheat command in the text box.

sims.modify_funds +[enter amount]Adds any amount of money.
sims.give_satisfaction_points #Adds specified amount of satisfaction points to current sim
freerealestate {on/off}All homes are temporarily free while the cheat is active. Enter cheat in the Neighborhood screen. If purchased, beware of the Taxes in these lots.
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlementAll items
ui.dialog.auto_respondBacks out of dialog or makes a choice automatically
soak.create_soak_handyman_situationCall Handyman
soak.create_soak_maid_situationCall Maid
soak.create_soak_party_situationCall Party
aspirations.complete_current_milestoneComplete Current Milestone
aspirations.complete_current_milestoneCompletes current aspiration milestone
sims.add_buff buff_EnragedDeath by Anger
sims.add_buff Buff_MortifiedDeath By Embarrassment - Cause Death Within 5 Hours
sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_WarningDeath By Exahustion
sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Hunger_StarvingDeath By Hunger - 24 Hour Death
sims.add_buff buff_HystericalDeath by Laughter
sims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_WarningDeath By Repair
Death.toggleDisables Death
helpDisplays available commands
careers.demote[name of career]Earn a demotion in chosen career
careers.promote[name of career]Earn a promotion in chosen career
cas.fulleditmodeEdit Sim mid game.
soak.enable_soak_handyman_situationEnable Handyman
soak.enable_soak_maid_situationEnable Maid
soak.enable_soak_party_situationEnable Party
testingcheats {true/false}Enable/Disable cheats
quitExits the game.
households.force_bills_dueForce Bills Due
hideheadlineeffects [on|off]Hides all Sim overhead effects such as plumbob, thought balloons and speech balloons.
headlineeffects [off / on]Hides alloverhead effects such as speech and thoughts balloons
objects.consumables_infinite_toggleInfinite Consumables
sims.add_buff Pregnancy_InLaborMake Any Sim or Ghost Appear Pregnant
sims.remove_buff NPC_MaidMake Maid - Turn Off
sims.add_buff NPC_MaidMake Maid - Turn On
relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_othersMakes Acquaintances with ALL sims Note: Includes recently deceased sims. Takes a few seconds to complete.
sims.remove_all_buffsMoodlets are removed
bb.moveobjects [on/off]Move Objects on allows you to completely disregard all of the game's rules of object placement and place objects wherever you want.
kaching OR rosebudProvides 1,000 Simoleons
motherlodeProvides 50,000 Simoleons
Careers.promote Gradeschool OR Careers.promote HighschoolRaise a Child's Grade Performance
resetsim (sims first name) (sims lastname)Reset your sim. Ex. resetsim Bob Smith
setage [Age Wanted]Set Sim Age to Adult Note: Exercise caution with this.
relationships.create_friends_for_simSpawn a Friend for Me Note:Spawns a sim on your lot with a 50% friendship status with your active sim.
objects.gsi_create_obj Spawn object
sims.spawnsimple[number of Sims desired]Spawn specified number of Sims (keep the number low to avoid crashes + don't keep these [])
sims.modify_funds -[enter amount]Subtracts any amount of money.
fullscreenToggles fullscreen.
fps [on|off]Turns the frame rate display in the bottom left corner.

?️ Cheat codes used with testingcheats on

Before using these Sims 4 cheats for PC you have to first activate the testingcheats code.

Add to FamilyAdds the selected Sim to the current household
bb.showhiddenobjectsBuy Debug mode (adds extra objects)
Shift + [Decrease the size of objects that where previously enlarged
Modify in CASEdit selected Sim in Create-a-Sim, except for his or her name and inherited traits
bb.enablefreebuildEdit the hospital, police station, etc.
Cheat Motive, Make HappyFills all bars and gives selected Sim a happy mood
stats.fill_commodities_householdFix a households all needs
Shift + ]Increase the size of objects
Cheat Motive, Enable Motive DecayMotives behave normally
Cheat Motive, Disable Motive DecayMotives freeze
households.autopay_billsPay your bills automatically
Reset ObjectResets the selected Sim or object
Teleport SimTeleports a Sim to the selected point
Make CleanThe object will become clean
Make DirtyThe object will become dirty
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlementUnlock all careers rewards

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