Sims 4 Island Living Expansion DLC Features

The Sims 4 on its own is an amazing game but gamers miss a few features here and there. That’s when DLC packages come to the rescue. However, the initial DLC packages were not so good but the recent DLC packages have been quite amazing. 

That said, today we are here to discuss one such DLC – Sims 4 island living. Moreover, we will provide you a brief review of the features that you will get with this DLC. So, without any further ado, let’s begin:

1. A Beautiful Waterfront Home 

Beautiful waterfront home

The island of Sulani presents a first for the franchise, waterfront homes. That as well as the expansion of brace establishments even considers works to reach out over the water, with decks, docks, and excellent views. 

2. Sulani Is Full Of Vibrance 

Sulani is full of vibrance

The island itself is home to some brilliant and delightful plants, sims will dress in dynamic hues and even the houses are brightened with kaleidoscopic railings and style things. The trailer looks brilliant as usual however for this situation, it genuinely reaches out into each part of the pack itself. 

3. Mua Pel’Am Has A Volcano 

Mua Pel'Am Has A Volcano

Sulani is part of littler islands and the isle of Mua Pel’Am is the most characteristic and pristine. It is here that sims can discover off the network parts and a day to day existence more in congruity with nature. 

Be that as it may, nature accompanies a drawback as there is additionally a functioning fountain of liquid magma on the island. Indiscriminately spans, the well of lava will emit and send hot rocks onto neighboring parts. Sims should be cautious around these, albeit once they cool an astonishment can be found inside them. 

Also Read: Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle: Skills, Careers And Trait Cheats

4. Mermaids Are Back 

Mermaids are back

While the vampires and outsiders have been engaging enough to keep us occupied, numerous fans have been trusting that EA will bring more special kinds of mysterious Sims to the game. 

Since we are coming back to an island, one would expect that mermaids would follow right away and those desires were affirmed when the official trailers and workmanship were uncovered. Players will have the option to associate with and play as mermaids in new and energizing manners. 

5. Mermaids Might Not Be That Friendly 

 Mermaids Might Not Be That Friendly

Of course, a portion of the mermaids who live in the sea encompassing the island might be the most amiable Occult Sim one will ever meet. They may help one to remember the mermaids who filled the tales that they experienced childhood with. Be that as it may, similar to vampires, a few mermaids may really be fairly flippant in nature (if the player so picks.) 

6. Find Hidden Treasures 

Find Hidden Treasures

There are two new collections added to the game in Island Living. The first and most straightforward to discover are the determination of shells along the shore. They can be found while beachcombing, plunging, and investigating the collapse of Mua Pel’Am. Dolphins can likewise gather them for you. 

The other collection is covered fortune and is found while scuba plunging or freediving with specific conditions. These fortunes tell the historical backdrop of Sulani. 

7. Become A Conservationist 

Become A Conservationist

Players can seek after the Conservationist profession and devote their lives to nature safeguarding. A few travelers may not generally leave the beach in a similar express that they discovered it in and it is dependent upon the players to clean the island so as to shield nature from the delinquents of the world. 

8. Play With The Island Lifestyle 

Play With The Island Lifestyle

Ride a kayak, manufacture a sandcastle, take a jetski around the shore, take a dip, go scuba jumping, go to a Kava Party, and inundate oneself and one’s Sim into island culture. 

Not at all like past island expansion packs, Island Living carries a social component to the game. Rather than the world existing as a sandy variant of the standard neighborhood, this island heaven contains special social affairs and communications that make a world that genuinely feels genuine. 

9. Live An Off The Grid Life 

Live An Off The Grid Life

The Off The Grid part attribute permits sims to carry on with a genuinely provincial way of life. The quality will stop all power and water to property and issue no bills to the family unit. Players can in any case have cleanliness related things to satisfy needs yet just a restricted sum will work on off the network parts. Electronic things, for example, TVs, radios, and games supports won’t work and lighting alternatives are restricted to flame-based arrangements. 

Also Read: Sims 4 Eco-Lifestyle Expansions Pack Guide And New Features

10. Make proper acquaintance With Dolphins 

Make Proper Acquaintance With Dolphins

One can’t make a game altogether committed to the sea, the island, and the existence that exists (socially and truly) between the two, without carrying dolphins to the blend. Note: these dolphins are not simply basic NPCs that exist out of sight and can’t be collaborated with yet rather living, breathing, and carefree Dolphins that human and mermaid Sims can cooperate with openly. : 

11. Low maintenance Jobs Are More Flexible 

Low Maintenance Jobs Are More Flexible

The Island Living Expansion Pack will enable players to have more opportunities with low maintenance occupations. These have been extended to incorporate new callings, for example, lifeguards and jumper, and are presently accessible to teenagers or more. 

12. The Island Responds To Players Choices 

The Island Responds To Players Choices

As referenced before in this article, players will have the option to seek after the progressive vocation so as to help tidy up the island and discard the litter and reject abandoned by impolite sightseers. In any case, what was not referenced before was the reality the players will really get the chance to see the effect that they are having on the world around their Sim. 

In the event that they devote their opportunity to tidying up the beaches, they will be compensated with thick vegetation, expanded butterflies, greener trees, and conceivably even cleaner seas. The opposite is additionally obvious, with the island’s getting blunter as litter heaps up, so we should keep those beaches clean for the good of the butterflies. 

13. Island Specific Careers 

Island Specific Careers

One can’t make an island-explicit pack without making island-explicit professions to oblige it. Beside the protectionist vocation, an all day telecommute profession, there are likewise 3 new low maintenance vocations. These are Diver, Lifeguard, and Fisherman and are island-explicit. 

Players can likewise take on unspecialized temp jobs. These are one-off errands that reward an irregular charge. While some are hare opening occasions, others expect players to carry out specific responsibilities, for example, get frogs in the cascade. 

14. New Aspiration 

New Aspiration

Another world and another kind of gameplay implies that another goal will be accessible for players to choose for their Sims and their relatives. The Beach Life goal has been added to the area explicit yearning category and will concentrate on furnishing sims with a definitive island way of life. 

15. Sunscreen


In spite of the fact that the huge changes that this pack is required to bring to the game are really energizing, all the more intriguing viewpoints accompany the more inconspicuous changes. The straightforward and regularly neglected changes that influence ordinary gameplay. The changes that a player would see regardless of whether they live in an alternate neighborhood and don’t decide to add a mermaid to the family.

It means you cannot spend the whole day swimming without getting a sunburn or suntan. These subtle changes make Sims 4 Island Living DLC worthy.


These were all the features that you will find the Sims 4 Island Living DLC. If you are planning to get that expansion in the near future then this article will be definitely helpful for you.

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