Minecraft Nether Portal Design Tips & Tricks

The majority of Minecraft users create straightforward nether gateways like the one in the image above. There are plenty alternative methods to create your portal, though. In actuality, nether portal designs can be much larger than the typical 5 4 shape, up to 23 23 in any rectangular shape, and it is simple to erect block decorations around them. A creative method to make your base appear cool is by customising your Minecraft nether gateway!

Minecraft Nether Portal Rules

These construction regulations apply to nether portals:

  • The portal must be rectangular. If you want a different shape (like a circle), you must use multiple rectangular portals to make the shape.
  • The smallest Minecraft nether portal size is 5 4 blocks, and the maximum size is 23 23.
  • Only obsidian can be used to construct the nether portal frame.
  • Corners are not required on the nether portal frame, you can leave air or put any block you d like in the corners.
  • Nether Portals are activated by using flint and steel to set a fire inside the frame. Nether portals can t be activated in the End.

Large Minecraft Nether Portal Designs

Due to their size, larger Nether Portals typically need to be located outside (unless you have a sizable inside room). These portals can be decorated a little more freely; for example, you can build a wonderful road leading up to the portal or decorative elements like sculptures or lava ponds. Making structures out of nether resources like lava, obsidian, and quartz is a cool idea.



Small Minecraft Nether Portal Designs

For places like caves, basements, and inside houses, smaller Nether Portals are typically required. Despite the size limitations, you are still allowed to have some cool decorations and a special area for your gateway. Consider adding a bridge to your portal or furnishing a room with objects from the netherworld, such as obsidian, fire, and lava.



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Nether Portal Placement

The location of your nether portal must then be chosen. Here are a few concepts:

  • Having a nether portal near your storage room can be convenient. This way, when you return from the nether you can drop off all your items in your chests.
  • Nether portals can be blended into the Minecraft environment in or around your base. For example, you can put a nether portal in a cave, the side of a mountain, in the forest, or even in hill of sand or snow.
  • A small Minecraft nether portal can be put in a decorated underground room, or a decorated building above ground as well. This can provide protection if any mobs go through your nether portals as they will be locked inside this room.
  • A large Minecraft nether portal will typically have to be somewhere outdoors, unless you have a building large enough to put it in. Don t forget to decorate the area around it.

Examples of Locations




More Nether Portal Design Tips & Tricks

  • Nether portals in Minecraft need to be rectangular, but you can still place blocks in front of the portal to help change the shape.
  • Multiple nether portal frames can be placed next to each other to create different shapes.
  • Build around the obsidian frame using blocks that are nether-themed such as quartz, glowstone, netherrack, lava, fire, webs, obsidian, and nether brick. Personally, I like using quartz and glowstone to decorate my portals.
  • And last but not least, don t forget to decorate the other side of the portal (in the nether) too! Be careful of making large portals in the nether though, as ghasts can fly through large nether portals into your base.

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