Minecraft color codes And Formatting Codes

Customization assumes an immense part in the Minecraft experience. Ask any Minecraft player; they’ll most likely concur. The vanilla game is staggeringly fun with no guarantees, yet the opportunity players need to play with the world with practically zero constraints is the thing that has the majority of them returning. 

We’ve covered Minecraft mods and Minecraft servers. In this article, we’ll investigate something somewhat less complex (yet no less amusing) to pull off: Minecraft Color Codes.  

What Are Minecraft Color Codes/Formatting Codes? 

Minecraft players can redo the configuration of certain printed components utilizing Minecraft Color Codes and Minecraft Formatting Codes. 

The previous, for example, can be utilized to change the color of in-game writings. It can likewise be utilized to dole out colors to various teams or change the color of colored cowhide armor. 

These color codes can likewise be utilized to make colored signs or add color to server messages. 

The last can be utilized to arrange in-game writings, such as making declarations striking or italic. 

How would I Use Minecraft Color Codes? 

You can change the color of Minecraft messages by utilizing the Section Sign (§) trailed by a Hex Digit. This hex digit is the color code, and every digit is doled out a particular color. 

For example, the code §0 would bring about the color dark. 

Code §6, then again, would bring about the color gold. 

Observe: text designing and text color organizing may exist in a similar vein of visual adjustment, yet the game considers them to be discrete. 

In the Java Edition of Minecraft, a color code utilized after an organizing code cripples the designing code past the color code point. To assist you with imagining this utilizing text, composing the codes in a specific order: 

Arrangement Text textual style: Arial, color: green, size: 12pt, strong | Color Text: dark 

… would offset the content organizing after the color marker. All in all, the content would not be bolded and measured 12. 

So when utilizing a color code alongside designing code, consistently type the color code first. Once more, in text based perception, that would look something like: 

Color Text: green | Format Text textual style: Arial, size: 12pt, intense 

You don’t need to stress over this in case you’re utilizing the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft, however. In Bedrock, designing codes will in any case continue regardless of whether composed after a color code. 

Colored Text for Minecraft Signs 

Making a sign with colored content in Minecraft is really simple! In case you’re running the Bedrock Edition, you should simply: 

Spot a sign on the ground 

Type the “§” sign, trailed by the comparing number for the color you need. This is the color code 

Try not to stress: the “§” won’t give on the indication once you exit. 

Colored Text for Minecraft Server Messages 

You can likewise change the color of your Minecraft Server’s Message of the Day (MOTD) by embeddings a color code before the message. It’s as simple as changing the color in Minecraft. Just the codes are extraordinary. 

To change the color, access your Server Properties or Server Files how you would typically get to them. 

Prior to the message, embed the proper color code. 

Ex. \u00A76 “Welcome Back to the Server”! 

Save your changes, close your server, and afterward restart it. Whenever done effectively, you should see the new MOTD in the right color – which, in our model, ought to be gold. 

Here’s a snappy rundown of Minecraft Color Codes for the Minecraft Server’s MOTD: 

  • \u00A70 – BLACK 
  • \u00A71 – DARK BLUE 
  • \u00A72 – DARK GREEN 
  • \u00A73 – DARK AQUA 
  • \u00A74 – DARK RED 
  • \u00A75 – DARK PURPLE 
  • \u00A76 – GOLD 
  • \u00A77 – GRAY 
  • \u00A78 – DARK GRAY 
  • \u00A79 – INDIGO 
  • \u00A7a – GREEN 
  • \u00A7b – AQUA 
  • \u00A7c – RED 
  • \u00A7d – PINK 
  • \u00A7e – YELLOW 
  • \u00A7f – WHITE 

Minecraft Formatting Codes to Know 

Minecraft color codes

There are really less organizing codes than color codes in Minecraft, which makes them very simple to recollect. This article will in any case be centered around color codes, yet here are some Minecraft arranging codes that might be helpful to know: 

  • §l = striking content 
  • §m = strikethrough text 
  • §o = stress text 
  • §n = underline text 

Need to take your Minecraft skills to the following level while acquiring a significant skill like coding? Temporarily, attempt CodaKid classes for FREE TRIAL! 

Utilizing Minecraft Color Codes 

Minecraft will possibly perceive the color codes in that capacity if the digit is gone before by the “§” image. It’s a strange image, certainly, and not one that can undoubtedly be found on a standard console. Here’s the means by which to type it out: 

On a Windows US/UK English Keyboard: Alt + NUMPAD2, NUMPAD1 

On a Windows ANSI Keyboard (or some other console): Alt + NUMPAD0, NUMPAD1, NUMPAD6, NUMPAD7 

On a Mac US English Keyboard: ⌥ Option + 6 | ⌥ Option + 5 (for US Extended) 

On a MAC Keyboard (some other sort of console): ⌥ Option + 00a7 

On a Linux with Compose Key actuated: Compose, s, o 

On the off chance that you wish to duplicate glue the character, you can do as such on Bedrock Edition utilizing the standard orders (ctrl + v for Windows and cmd + v for Mac). In any case, do observe that some Minecraft text encloses can’t be glued to, (for example, visit windows, order blocks, world names, and so forth) 

Why Use Minecraft Color Codes 

Minecraft Color Codes and Minecraft Formatting Codes are only a couple more ways Minecraft permits its players to tweak their games. Changing content may not straightforwardly sway interactivity by forcing preferences (or weaknesses, even). Nonetheless, it can make individuals appreciate the game considerably more. 

As we’ve expressed in the first place, customization and adjustment have consistently assumed a gigantic part in the Minecraft experience. Truth be told, there’s a quite enormous market for Minecraft mods (in spite of the fact that we utilize that term freely, as most Minecraft mods are free). 


Learning color codes is simply one more path for players to flavor up their game. Whenever taken with regards to coding for youngsters, it’s even a feasible prologue to hexadecimal codes and coloring for programming with HTML or CSS later on.

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