How to get the Wish Ender Quest Guide: Destiny 2

Destiny 2: Forsaken’s new Wish-ender bow is one of the game’s fanciest weapons. It is one of two fascinating bows in the game, and the one, in particular, that is accessible as a feature of a quest. It’s additionally very incredible and can be quite valuable in both PvE and PvP. Be that as it may, getting this bow is a difficult situation and can take some genuine time. In this guide, we’ll show you all you require to think about adding this extravagant new bow to your assortment. 

Note: This quest is just accessible when the Shattered Throne prison is free, like clockwork. 



The Shattered Throne is another prison experience in Forsaken. Mostly between an assault and a strike, the Shattered Throne is hard. It additionally goes from power levels 570-580, which makes it one of the greatest Light exercises in the game. Enter at your own danger, or track down some liberal companions to take care of you. 

For this initial step, you should simply beat the Shattered Throne. There are a few experiences here that you’ll have to survive. To get to the Shattered Throne, you’ll need to enter The Confluence by investigating the church in Rheasilvia. When you discover Sedia — the now scrubbed supervisor of the Corrupted strike — converse with her and enter the extraordinary entrance behind the scenes. 

After the main significant chief, you’ll discover a sculpture of Sjur Eido. Approach it and hand over your Awoken Talisman — that thing you’ve most likely been holding throughout recent weeks. After the sculpture quits talking, proceed onward and rout the last chief. 

It’ll seem like nothing has occurred, and that you’ve run out of road. However, the mission you have in front of you is in reality a mystery. 



Whenever you’ve beaten the Shattered Throne, head over to the Tangled Shore. Ride the lift up to the Four-horned Gulch and move into the principal region. Haul your Ghost out, and you’ll discover a mission symbol close by. Stroll over to the structure, and explore the little Taken ball. It’ll have question denotes surrounding it and will request that you “demonstrate your value.” 

That’ll set you off on a lovely clear mission on the Tangled Shore. Battle your way through the Taken armed force until you get to the enormous last room. Here, you’ll be attacked by huge loads of Taken. All the more critically, you’ll face down three Taken supervisors. 

Overcoming these foes is genuinely simple, particularly in a group. When they’re dead, you’ll get three tokens — each with a supervisor’s name appended to it. You’ll have to return to the Shattered Throne to purify them. 



The opportunity has arrived to get back to the Shattered Throne. This piece of the quest is in reality beautiful fun and allows you to extract the last supervisor in the prison — the hardest part. You’ll have to go into the prison and go through the initial segment, as far as possible up to the enormous Ogre chief. 

However, while you’re going through, you’ll need to generate and overcome some mysterious managers. To do this, you’ll need to find a circle in the prison and afterward convey it to its coordinating with sculpture. That’ll get occasions underway that will assist you with purging your tokens. 

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Token one is in the main space of the prison, where you need to clear the Labyrinth Architects. The sculpture you’ll require is on the top of the biggest structure. There will be a circle of sculptures, and one of them will be feeling the loss of the sphere. 

The circle is in the Tower of the Deep, sitting over the room with the image in it. The simplest method to arrive is to enter from the rooftop. There will be a little bowl where the circle will produce. (We’ve yet to test if the general areas of these spheres are irregular — in spite of the fact that we accept they aren’t. In the event that you can’t discover the circle, look in similar areas in different pinnacles around the guide.) 

When you have the circle, convey it back to the top of the middle structure. You can arrive pretty effectively by running and bouncing your way across certain roofs. When you pop the circle into the sculpture, a Taken Minotaur will generate. Kill it rapidly to produce Querim, the Waking. Take out Querim to purify the token of a similar name. 

You don’t need to stress over any longer spheres until you arrive at the room with all the framework and the Ogres. 


This token requires two spheres to purify. At the point when you initially get to the Ogre room where you need to stroll along radiates over a goliath pit, go through like ordinary and kill everything. Backtrack to the beginning of the room and go to one side of the entryway. Behind a column, you’ll discover a generate point for the sphere. 

Snatch the sphere and convey it. Along the furthest side of the room will be a gathering of sculptures. Pass the first and advance toward the subsequent gathering. Supplement the circle and proceed onward — nothing else to see here yet. 

Your next circle is found in the Thrall room. Whenever you’ve gone through the gateway and have been eased back, stroll up the steps to one side and look in the entrance for the sphere. Get it and bring it through. This segment can be quite irritating with all the Thrall. Hop up and snatch the dividers as frequently as conceivable to guard yourself. 

When you arrive at the finish of the Thrall lobby, drop down into the enormous room underneath. The sculpture you’re searching for is on the right. Fly in the sphere and advance out the entryway. 

Setting up both of these spheres will open an enormous entryway on the opposite side of the gorge. Advance toward it and through it’s anything but a field of Taken. Take out the adversaries and the ensuing supervisor to purify the Eriviks token. 


This is the hardest token to purge, yet simply because you need to battle a truly irritating supervisor to do it. When you arrive at the goliath Ogre supervisor battle, kill the Wizards and stay alive long enough to gather sufficient imprints to purge fire and drop the manager’s safeguard. 

When the safeguard goes down, disregard the Ogre and begin checking out space for a Taken Minotaur. (Be cautious: They like to go undetectable.) Once you kill the Minotaur, it’ll bring forth a circle. Snatch it and convey it to one side of the room, where you can discover another sculpture to dunk on. 

After the last sculpture, it’s anything but, a second supervisor Ogre will generate in the room. This one isn’t safeguarded like the genuine chief, so take it out and purge the token of Xavoth. 

Take your three tokens to the sculpture right external the Ogre supervisor battle and guarantee your bow from the sculpture of Sjur. Congrats, and make the most of your freshest colorful.


We hope now you have a much better understanding of the Destiny 2 wish ender. This is not a particularly tough mission, but having a guide always helps, right? That being said, now you should be easily able to finish the Destiny 2 wish ender quest without any troubles. If you have any doubts make sure to leave them in the comments section below. We will try our level best to give the most optimum solution for the same.

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