Why is Dying Light 2 being review bombed on Steam?

We’re still a year into Techland’s five-year promise to support Dying Light 2.

With the most recent update for Dying Light 2, Techland added DL Points, a premium currency to the game. Although the Dying Light series has always had microtransactions, the introduction of DL Points marks a change from the previous setup, in which bundles were bought with actual money. The new approach, according to Techland, provides a simplified means for users to purchase in-game bundles without having to exit the game UI. The developer’s task is also made simpler by this modification, since it does away with the requirement to configure the bundles across various third-party platforms.

Sadly, the Polish studio has seen a great deal of opposition to this move. Following the update, 500 DL Points were given to players who checked in; they must be claimed by October 7th. The problem? Most bundles in-game cost 550 points. Previously, a player could earn 1,100 DL Points for about $6 by purchasing a bundle, but now they had to pay $10. Players are compelled to make larger upfront investments as a result, and many end up with an excess of unused points.

Similar circumstances to those of its peers suggest that Techland has drawn the incorrect conclusions from observing what other games are now available.

The recent Tencent acquisition of Techland is being held accountable by some, while the developers have refuted this. However, the unhappiness doesn’t stop there. The firm recently let go of Uncy, the game’s community manager, and his replacement made a contentious statement on the game’s Discord channel, saying that players who weren’t happy with the DL Points system ought to “play something else.” Uncy, the former community manager, has openly voiced his disapproval of the new method.

The result of this fan unrest can be seen on websites such as Steam, where a campaign of review bombing has been initiated in response to the overwhelming negative response.

Despite the “mostly positive” rating, reviews for Dying Light 2 have been getting progressively worse recently. The main issues are the impression that Techland has lost its integrity and the DL Point system’s apparent manipulative character.

Only time wil tell if Techland can find a way to steer Dying Light 2 towards the right path.

Techland acknowledged the issues and made an effort to resolve them, focusing on the bundle and residual DL Points prices in particular. According to reports, the developer is working on fixes, which include reworking the bundle structure and making the individual products available for purchase. But these adjustments won’t happen right away. To further elucidate matters, it has also declared an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit featuring Tymon Smektala, the director of the Dying Light 2 franchise.

The upgrade offers some advantages, despite the controversy around microtransactions. It brings mod.io’s in-game integration, making community maps more accessible to gamers. Up to September 21, there will be a crossover event with “Payday 2” that will send infected robbers for players to hunt down for exclusive prizes. The latest update also fixes a number of game glitches and offers various toughness settings for those who are frightened about gore.

The original Dying Light was a beloved “underdog” type of game, which the sequel is proving to be quite the exact opposite of being.

Though it has seen its share of highs and lows, Dying Light 2 was first met with mixed reviews. Players expressed concerns about its parkour system, believing it to be a step below what came before it. Fortunately, Techland has improved the game’s quality of life to solve these problems, raising its standing. But with the addition of DL Points and the document that was released outlining the game’s deleted scenes, it’s unclear how Techland will handle this additional obstacle and if the community’s confidence can be won back.

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