Terraria developer donates $200k to Godot and FNA open-source engines amid Unity controversy.

The minds of Terraria, Re-Logic, have taken a big step in reaction to the debate over Unity’s proposed Runtime Fee policy. The goal of this policy was to tax game makers for each installation, which caused a great deal of anxiety in the gaming community.

Even though Re-Logic only uses a few pieces of the Unity engine on console and mobile platforms, they have responded proactively to the issue surrounding the Unity Runtime Fee policy. They have contributed an astounding $100,000 apiece to Godot and FNA, two open-source game engines. This financial assistance is a recurring commitment; Re-Logic has pledged to sponsor these engines with $1,000 each month.

In an official statement published on their Terraria account on X (formerly known as Twitter), Re-Logic made their position known.

Re-Logic is adamant that confidence cannot be quickly restored, even in the event that Unity were to retract its rules and assertions. Re-Logic thinks it’s imperative to support newly developed open-source game engines. All that Re-Logic asks of Godot and FNA is that they remain kind people and keep working to improve these engines so that developers throughout the world can use them with more confidence and ease.

Supporting independent companies and game developers that uphold moral standards has always been Re-Logic’s motto. By supporting rival open-source game engines, they intend to empower and support studios that are struggling with current events in the business.

Re-Logic has already received a thank-you tweet from the Godot engine team, which reads, “The Godot team would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Re-Logic, not just for the immense support Godot is receiving, but for your investment in our common cause.”

The FNA engine’s creator, Ethan Lee, also expressed his sincere gratitude to Re-Logic for their kind donation.

Unity has apologized for the disruption that its policy has caused and has promised to make improvements soon. Re-Logic’s unwavering support for alternate game engines, however, emphasizes the long-lasting effects such disputes can have on confidence in the gaming community. In light of Unity’s policy statement, a number of developers are now thinking about switching to different game engines.

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