Square Enix has no plans to release DLC for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Perhaps it was presumptuous of us to expect Square Enix to release a DLC for FF7 Rebirth.

Most people weren’t too concerned when Square Enix revealed that neither Cid Highwind nor Vincent Valentine will be playable in the sequel, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. After all, it wouldn’t be out of the question to anticipate that one or both would formally join the group via a post-launch DLC, a la Yuffie Kirasagi. Unfortunately, it seems that as soon as FF7 Rebirth releases on February 29, 2024, Creative Business Unit I wants to move on to the third and final game in the trilogy.

Tetsuya Nomura, the creative director of Final Fantasy 7, stated at the Tokyo Game Show that FF7 Rebirth will not receive any DLC.

This is unexpected, but understandable given the popularity of the FF7 Remake re-release on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X, together with the InterMISSION DLC.

We previously revealed that Square Enix is developing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth with the ten-year-old Unreal Engine 4. Although the previews we’ve seen so far don’t exactly make this seem like the “best” idea visually, Square Enix is worth giving this one a chance. Additionally, Square Enix can reuse and enhance materials from the first game, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, all the way until the conclusion because to the engine’s continuity. Because of the reduced production period, the studio can potentially issue three entries in seven years and two entries in four years with little to no compromise.

Since Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is only available on the PlayStation 5, it makes sense to start working on the third game right away and forego the post-launch DLC.

Square Enix just needs to worry about a PC or Xbox port, unlike the FF7 Remake. Although the latter would be a first, we have a good feeling that Microsoft will assist the studio.

Finally, it’s best that Square Enix decided not to produce a DLC for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Perhaps Square Enix doesn’t need to release post-launch content for FF7 Rebirth given the 100 or so hours of content it will reportedly contain.

That does not imply, of course, that plans will remain unchanged. Regarding Final Fantasy 16, Creative Business Unit III made the same statement prior to the game’s release. FF16 is now getting a PC port and at least two post-launch paid content, which may or may not involve Cidolfus Telamon, following the game’s critical praise and millions of sales.

In summary, Square Enix lacks sufficient financial motivation to offer a DLC for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Square Enix’s recent financial difficulties have revealed the company’s numerous unsuccessful projects between FF7 Remake and FF16. With any luck, FF7 Rebirth will be able to stabilize its finances.

It looks like Yuffie will be the only DLC-exclusive character in the entire FF7 Remake trilogy.

Square Enix is a major player in AAA games, particularly in the Final Fantasy universe. Reportedly, the business is working on a remake of Final Fantasy 9, Final Fantasy X, and Final Fantasy Tactics, however this is unconfirmed. Remakes of Final Fantasy Vand and Final Fantasy VI have also been discussed among the staff members of the firm.

Ultimately, Xbox owners will be able to play Final Fantasy XIV come next year.

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