Payday 3 gets review bombed on Steam amidst unfixable server issues

Payday 3’s launch has gone from bad to worse with little to no signs of improvement.

The much-awaited Payday 3 debut proved to be a very turbulent event for Starbreeze Studios.

The anticipation that surrounded the game’s release quickly gave way to disappointment when gamers discovered a variety of server problems.

Although many games suffer glitches on launch day, Payday 3’s difficulties are so severe and persistent that they are perplexing both users and the game’s developer.

Among the most important aspects that malfunctioned were the matching servers. Not long after its release, this vital element for a multiplayer cooperative game such as Payday 3 was all but made useless. The software updates from their technical partner, which were meant to help Starbreeze Studios, actually made matters worse. This was a further setback for the company.

The game’s matchmaking program experienced a hitherto unseen malfunction when gamers flocked to the servers. Starbreeze’s third-party matchmaker was put in a “unrecoverable situation” due to this blunder, which was so severe. An update that the partner introduced caused even more instability to add to the turmoil. Starbreeze Studios is defending itself by saying that none of these problems were noticeable when the game was in early access or technical beta testing.

The studio finds it even more frustrating that they had to take the heat when, in reality, the third-party software they utilized was primarily to blame. Tobias Sj gren, CEO of Starbreeze, voiced his displeasure. He stated that the business is “disappointed” and acknowledges that “diligent and consistent work ahead” is needed to win back the community’s trust in the game.

The good news is that Payday 3 is a live-service game that’s built to last for years.

But in the middle of all of this chaos, there seems to be a ray of optimism. Since the first issues, users have been pleading for the inclusion of the unexpectedly absent offline option, which Starbreeze Studios is thinking of adding to Payday 3. The community’s optimism has been somewhat rekindled by the mere potential of this feature, even if no official word has confirmed its inclusion. Ultimately, adding an offline mode might alleviate the load on the online servers of the game.

A valuable lesson about the dangers of an always-online game may be learned from the tale of Payday 3’s launch problems, particularly when combined with dependency on third-party servers. Given that neither of its predecessors, Payday nor Payday 2, featured an obligatory online function, the scene is especially poignant.

To say that Payday 3 has not been well received would be an understatement. As of the time of writing, about 22,000 of the nearly 32,500 reviews on the digital game distribution platform Steam are unfavorable. Many people are expressing their annoyance.

You’ve got to hand it to Starbreeze Studios for owning up to the server issues Payday 3 is currently facing.

Starbreeze Studios announced an update scheduled for October 5th, which is intended to address a few bugs and performance concerns, in an attempt to address the ongoing issues. Even while the game’s long-term future is still unknown, Starbreeze Studios is obviously dedicated to making things right.

It’s important to keep in mind that, even if server issues might be a major setback, success isn’t always determined by them. It will take time to see if Payday 3 can recapture its former splendor and win over players once more. For the time being, one thing is certain: Starbreeze Studios has a challenging assignment.

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