Konami could reveal Silent Hill 2 release date at Tokyo Game Show

It’s been so long since we last heard about Silent Hill 2 that it risks falling out of the radar completely.

A deafening echo of anticipation has been there among gamers ever since Konami revealed interest in one of its most legendary titles, Silent Hill, last year. The PlayStation 5 remake of Silent Hill 2 by Bloober Team is the centerpiece of this rebirth.

Fans are disappointed that the release date for the aforementioned remake is still unknown. However, if the latest reports are to be believed, Konami might be present at Tokyo Game Show, possibly to reveal additional details about the next survival horror game.

As keen-eyed fans have noticed, Konami updated Silent Hill 2’s page with a banner featuring the Tokyo Game Show. Furthermore, Silent Hill 2 is included in the Tokyo Game Show sale on Steam under the “Coming Soon” section. However, it’s important to note that Konami’s official Tokyo Game Show 2023 website does not mention Silent Hill 2—or any other Silent Hill game, for that matter.

silenthill/comments/16icerk/clown_makeup_on_sh2_on_steam_has_tgs_banner/”>Clown makeup on, SH2 on Steam has TGS banner (Probably because it’s a Konami game) still interesting nonetheless
byu/Werewald insilenthill

Bloober Team, the developers, have not yet confirmed their attendance at the next event, while Konami has stated that they will be there. This rumor is doubtful because neither of them is listed on the website. But it’s difficult to ignore the Steam logo.

However, for every fan praising Bloober Team for their reworking of this 2001 survival horror classic, there are those who question their ability to bring the title a worthy rebirth. Although there is no denying that Bloober Team’s earlier works drew inspiration from the Silent Hill series, it is debatable if such works could truly do this remake credit.

Bloober Team teased fans early this year that the game’s development was almost finished, which added to the mystery. But since then, there has been an extended period of stillness.

The hype surrounding Silent Hill’s revival could be elapsed by a similar resurgence going on with Metal Gear.

Bloober Team is ideally refining Silent Hill 2 in light of what it observed during Capcom‘s Resident Evil 4 Remake earlier this year. One of the most ported games ever was re-released to great applause and acclaim, potentially even receiving a few nominations for The Game Awards in December. Considering how obsessed with remakes the video game industry has been lately, it’s unquestionably one of the best remakes in recent memory.

Should Bloober Team be intimidated by Resident Evil 4 and decide to postpone Silent Hill 2 till next year, it might not be the worst decision if it results in a far superior game.

Based on past experiences, it appears that players are now more understanding of delays in video games, particularly when the game is well-received. Of course, it’s a different matter if a game is delayed and remains poorly received when it launches, which is actually a quite common occurrence.

With Dead Space“>Dead Space, Resident Evil 4, and Alan Wake 2“>Alan Wake 2 all coming out this year, delaying Silent Hill 2 makes sense.

Resident Evil 4 can take use of this chance, with Alan Wake 2 being the “only” major AAA horror film scheduled for release later this year. Separate Ways is a DLC for Resident Evil 4, so it doesn’t count, but you should still check it out. Once more, though, it assumes Silent Hill 2 is ready. If not, it would be wiser to postpone the release of Silent Hill 2 until it is fully completed.

Whatever the case, Tokyo Game Show 2023, which runs from September 21 to September 24th, offers a lineup of important figures in the gaming industry, including Square Enix and Capcom.

It’s unknown if Silent Hill 2 will take part in this significant occasion. However, one thing is certain: if Konami and the Bloober Team choose to showcase their masterwork, it will surely be the centerpiece of the event.

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