Excel Essentials: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Duplicates

Although duplicate entries in Microsoft Excel can be a prevalent problem, particularly in large datasets, the program is a great tool for organizing and analyzing data. To preserve data accuracy and make wise decisions, duplicates must be located and managed. We will examine several approaches to finding and managing duplicates in Excel in this in-depth lesson.

Method 1: Using Conditional Formatting

A quick and easy technique to spot duplicates in an Excel worksheet is to use conditional formatting.

how to find duplicates in excel
  • To search for duplicates in the data, open your Excel file.
  • Choose the cell range where you think duplicates might be present.
  • Open the Excel ribbon and select the “Home” tab.
  • Press “Conditional Formatting” under the “Styles” group.
  • Select “Duplicate Values” after choosing “Highlight Cells Rules.”
  • You can select the format for the duplicates in the dialog box that pops up. Excel highlights them in light red by default, with dark red word fill.
  • As soon as you click “OK,” Excel will highlight every duplicate entry in the chosen range.

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Method 2: Making Use of Excel’s Built-in Functions

  • Duplicate identification and counting are made possible by Excel functions.
  • The count of duplicates can be shown by selecting a cell.
  • Apply the formula =COUNTIF(A1:A100, A1). The value in cell A1 is counted by how many times it appears in the range A1:A100 using this formula.
  • For the purpose of checking the full column or range, copy and paste the formula below.
  • The duplicate items can then be viewed by sorting or filtering the data according to the count column.

Method 3: Removing Duplicate

how to find duplicates in excel
  • A built-in function in Excel allows you to eliminate duplicate values and preserve just unique entries.
  • Choose the range of cells that you wish to get rid of duplicates from.
  • Open the Excel ribbon and select the “Data” tab.
  • Opt for “Remove Duplicates” under the “Data Tools” section.
  • You can choose which columns to use for duplication identification in the dialog box that pops up. Excel will check for duplication by combining all chosen columns into one list.
  • Excel will eliminate duplicate entries when you click “OK,” leaving only unique values in the range you’ve chosen.

Method 4: Applying Conditional Formulas

  • Additionally, duplicates can be flagged with a custom flag using conditional formulae.
  • The duplicate flag should be placed in a new column that is created next to your data.
  • The formula for the first cell in the new column should be something like =IF(COUNTIF($A$1:$A1, $A2)>0, “Duplicate”, “”). This formula verifies whether the value in cell A2 is displayed in the column above it. In the event that it does, it is designated as a duplicate; if not, it stays empty.
  • For the complete column, use this formula by copying it down.
  • Duplicate entries are now flagged in a column that you have.

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Excel data accuracy and analysis depend on the management of duplicates. Duplicate values in your spreadsheets can be readily found and dealt with using the techniques covered in this article, preserving the accuracy and value of your data for making decisions. This procedure is effective and efficient because of Excel’s built-in features and functionalities, even for big datasets.

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