AMD GPU users reportedly cannot see the sun in Starfield

It seems that the sun is missing for some Starfield players on PC.

It seems that the sun is missing for some Starfield players on PC.

The GPU problems in Starfield appear to be getting worse. There are fresh complaints indicating that AMD graphics cards cause the sun to not render properly.

Players have noted that the sun disappears from planets during the day for the previous few days. After the game’s release last week, players have posted reports on multiple Reddit postings. On the surface of the planet, daylight is reportedly visible, but the sun or star that is responsible for the light is nowhere to be seen.

It seems the problem is not exclusive to graphics cards made by AMD. While gamers using more recent Nvidia GPUs in the same area saw that the stars and other atmospheric effects rendered appropriately on their PCs, users with Radeon 6000 and 7000 series GPUs were reporting missing stars on the daytime side of planets. Players with cards from the earlier GTX and RTX-20 series, however, experience the same problems as those with AMD cards from the more recent generation.

It’s interesting to note that Xbox players haven’t complained about missing stars when using the game on consoles. AMD’s RDNA 2 GPUs power the Series X/S, however as of right now, it appears that just PCs are experiencing this problem.

The missing sun glitch has been reported by gamers on AMD and older Nvidia series cards.
The missing sun glitch has been reported by gamers on AMD and older Nvidia series cards.

According to reports, AMD contacted PC Gamer and said that it is aware of the problem. Sadly, the hardware manufacturer is unable to provide an update regarding the availability of a patch or whether a fix has already been discovered. Regarding the problem with its older GPUs, Nvidia has not yet replied.

Players anticipate that Bethesda, who pays close attention to even the slightest aspects in Starfield, would note that, when viewed from planets, the massive ball of fire is absent from the sky. Although it’s not a fatal bug, many people might have missed it until it was brought to light. How developers and testers overlooked this vulnerability still baffles me.

This defect follows the performance problems with GPUs made by Nvidia and Intel as well as the discussion over Starfield’s lack of DLSS support. The game has allegedly not been PC-optimized, according to players. Todd Howard of Bethesda defended Starfield, stating that players should upgrade their hardware to fully enjoy the highly anticipated space RPG. Starfield is a next generation product.

The sun renders normally on RTX 30 and 40 series cards.
The sun renders normally on RTX 30 and 40 series cards.

Additionally, Starfield had the fewest issues of any Bethesda game prior to its release, according to Microsoft‘s Matt Booty. Regrettably, after the game’s release, players had a lot of complaints, which resulted in bad Steam reviews. A comprehensive community patch has detailed the most of the game’s bugs.

With any luck, Bethesda will release a hotfix shortly to address the problems that have been discovered in the game since its release. Any prospective Starfield patches that are released will be monitored by us.

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