Best Fortnite settings for Xbox One

Are you a gamer looking to become a professional at what you play? Do you play Fortnite on a daily basis? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you have reached the right destination. We say so because, in this post, we will discuss the best settings for this game if you are wishing to play this on an Xbox One. So make sure to read this post very carefully, and you will get all the answers that you seek.

Now, of course, Fortnite is one of those games that any gamer won’t get tired off easily. But usually the areas where the problem arises has to do with the gaming platforms. There are some games which are best played on consoles while the others are great on a desktop or a notebook. Fortnite unfortunately belongs to the latter category.

xbox fortnite settings

But literally giving up on the idea of being the best player on you favourite platform, is certainly uncalled for. Speaking of consoles, Xbox One surely does support Fortnite, but there are certain specific conditions one must comply with. When you change your playing platform, you somehow end up changing your comfort zone. This is why, you require some time to get the hang of the new apparatus. But don’t worry, we are here to help you cut this time short and make you a pro already!

So while talking about the Xbox one and Fortnite, it is quite evident that we will discuss the connection between the two. You can’t do away with the well-known fact that Fortnite is best played on a PC. We say so because everything is quicker to control through a keyboard and a mouse. However, if you are a top-notch gamer, then nothing is impossible for you. You can easily play this game on your console as well.

However, for newbies, we must warn that you need a lot of practice to play Fortnite through a remote. This is because a lot of more straightforward functions which are easily controlled through the help of a keyboard might confuse you when you’re using a remote. But this is the reason why we are here! We will explain to you all the right settings that will amp up your game even while playing it off PC.

The very first thing that you have to pay attention to while using a controller to play Fortnite is to have the right level of sensitivity. A lot of people do not consider the levels of sensitivities while customising their controllers. Controllers are very customisable, and one should select the level of sensitivity that works out the best for them. This will not only improve your gaming skills, but it would also make you reach better levels in lesser time.

However, we are sure here to help you regarding this in detail. We have gathered all this information from personal experiences of professional players. Hopefully, the settings will work out for you too, and if not, then you should be able to customise them according to your own requirements. The data given below has worked out for them, and it may also work out the best for you in case you modify it according to yourself.

If you want to improve your position, then make sure that your x-axis sensitivity is more than that of your Y axis sensitivity. Apart from these settings, the ADS is also supposed to be converted to half the standard sensitivity. Make sure that the scope sensitivity is between the two parameters if you are aiming for high precision. You also have to note that the more you zoom in, the further you will have to move your cursor.

You should also note that you will have to cover a considerable distance on the screen from one building peace to the next and as such your build sensitivity should be through the roof. This will make sure that the distance is covered quickly and you do not waste a lot of time. A number of players have stated that their edit sensitivity is lesser than build, but you can alter them according to yourself.

The most important thing to note is that all the professionals have stated many a time that there are dead zone settings are very low. This results in better control of the movements through the controller. It is because the lower the setting be the less movement to you will need for your cursor to start moving. Apart from the controller settings, you can also customise some additional settings which are given as follows:

  1. Set the motion blur to off as it will help to widen the field of view.
  2. Set sprint by default to on so that you can use the L3 button.
  3. Put sprint cancels reloading to off.
  4. Put Hold to swap pick up as off.
  5. Turn toggle targeting off.
  6. Now set Reset building choice and aim assist options on.
  7. You also have to turn on the builder pro: build immediately and turbo building options on.
  8. Also, turn off the edit aim assist, auto-open doors and auto pick up weapons as off.

Now play the game using the settings and analyse what else do you need. We have stated the best settings for Xbox One, which are also professionals approved. So give these settings a shot and tell us what you think in the comments below!

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