How to use and download OBS Studio

In case you’re hoping to record your screen or stream on the web, OBS Studio (earlier Open Broadcaster Software) is an incredible choice. This device makes it easy to catch screencasts, record your interactivity, stream to Twitch, and substantially more other than. 

Be that as it may, in the event that you’ve never utilized it, OBS Studio may appear to be a touch overwhelming from the outset. In this guide, we’ll tell you the best way to set up OBS Studio, what you have to begin recording and streaming, and tips for getting the best outcomes. 

How to download OBS Studio 

OBS Studio

To begin, you’ll need to download OBS Studio for Windows, macOS, or Linux. We’ll utilize the Windows adaptation for this instructional exercise, however it’s comparable over all stages. 

OBS Studio is genuinely free, so you don’t need to pay for any highlights. It’s likewise open source software, which means anybody can take a gander at the code and improve it. This is the situation with a famous side project: Streamlabs OBS. 

Step through the standard installer. When it finishes, OBS Studio will offer to walk you through an auto-design wizard. You can do this on the off chance that you like; we’ll audit important settings beneath, however. 

The most effective method to Use OBS Studio: The User Interface 

The primary OBS Studio interface permits you to set up all you require to begin streaming or recording. At the lower part of the screen, you’ll see a few control components. 

A Scene in OBS Studio permits you to gather and organize certain Source components with a particular goal in mind. You can have various scenes and switch between them freely. 

This will bode well as we proceed onward. For the present, you can tap the Plus catch to make another scene. Call it Default or something comparable (you can transform it later). 

After you’ve added a few components, you can tap on them in the review to change as you wish. Snap the Eye symbol to shroud a component, or the Lock to forestall unplanned development. 

Sources are the video and sound information sources that you feed into OBS Studio. Snap the Plus catch to add another one, and you’ll see a few classifications.

When you select an alternative, you can pick Create new or Add Existing. Since you just began, you’ll have to add another thing that you can reuse later. After you click OK, OBS Studio shows choices relying upon the source you picked. 

For instance, click Audio Input Capture. Suppose you will utilize a headset amplifier to record sound. Enter a distinct name for the source (like Headset Mic) and snap OK. On the subsequent screen, pick your headset mic from the Device dropdown and click OK. 

OBS Add Audio Source 

Presently, you have that info enlisted with OBS Studio and can undoubtedly add it again later on. You’ll have to rehash this progression to add your webcam, screen catch, and comparable. 

Whenever you’ve added the entirety of your sources, the Audio Mixer tab lets you change the volume balance between them. The bars move continuously to reflect levels. Drag the slider to change the blend, or snap the speaker symbol to quiet one. You’ll discover more alternatives by tapping the Gear symbol by a source. 

You should test these early, as various sources can have immeasurably extraordinary volume levels. You wouldn’t have any desire to finish a recording just to discover that the game volume overwhelms your mic sound. 

This basic segment permits you to pick what happens when you trade between scenes. Pick among Fade and Cut in the dropdown box, or hit Plus to pick another choice. You can pick how long the progress endures utilizing the Duration box. 

Here, the Start Streaming and Start Recording catches will let you begin catching film with OBS Studio. You can see the current FPS and CPU use underneath. 

It likewise lets you empower Studio Mode for making changes to scenes on the fly, in addition to admittance to the numerous Settings of OBS Studio. 

The Best OBS Settings To Use 

Best OBS Settings

Prior to your first recording or stream, you should change a couple of choices. Snap Settings in the Controls part of the interface to get to them. 

OBS Studio offers different alternatives than what we investigate here, however you shouldn’t have to stress over those until you’re more knowledgeable about recording and streaming.

To begin with, head to the Video tab. Here, check the Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution) alternatives. 

The first should coordinate your screen goal, while the second lets you pick the goal of the last video. Leave Output equivalent to Base for a full-quality recording, or lower it to something like 1280×720 for a lower document size. Leave the Downscale Filter as Lanczos in case you’re downscaling. 

Ultimately, you’ll have to pick the FPS (outlines every second) of the recording. For a smooth picture, pick 60. Be that as it may, in the event that you want a more modest document size or are recording something straightforward, 30 is appropriate. 

It’s likewise a smart thought to open the Advanced tab and set Process Priority to High. This will give OBS Studio the most assets so it can make the best recording. 

The Best OBS Settings For Recording 

Change to the Output tab to get to alternatives identified with screen recording – ensure you’re glancing in the Recording area, not Streaming. 

Encoder to Hardware (AMD) or Hardware (NVENC) in the event that you have a ground-breaking illustrations card. Use Software (x264) if not (see underneath for additional subtleties). 

Recording Path to a position based on your personal preference; this is the place where your finished OBS video will go. 

Under Recording Format, you can pick the video document type to spare in (see distinctive video record types, clarified for help). The default is FLV, which is fine much of the time. While MP4 is a mainstream video design, utilizing it is unsafe on the grounds that you’ll lose the entire record if OBS Studio can’t settle it. Accordingly, a blue screen or force blackout would decimate a MP4 recording, yet only cut it off in case you’re utilizing FLV. 

For what reason do so numerous video designs exist? It’s confounding! In any case, don’t stress, we are here to help. Here’s beginning and end you have to think about video arrangements, compartments, and codecs. 

Underneath this, you’ll have to pick an Encoder. The default is Software (x264), which utilizes your CPU. On the off chance that you have an amazing devoted designs card (not incorporated illustrations), you should change this to Hardware (AMD) or Hardware (NVENC), contingent upon your card. Improving outcomes when recording, as it won’t put as much strain on your CPU. 

Obviously, Advanced gives you more choices in case you’re OK with that. Pick Advanced and trade to the Recording tab beneath to see them. 

What Bitrate Should I Use? 

In the event that you change to Advanced in the Recording board, a considerable lot of the extra alternatives identify with the bitrate. This is a fundamental piece of your recording arrangement. Basically, a higher bitrate brings about better-quality recordings with bigger document sizes. Setting bitrate too low will result in pixelated video, while setting it too high will create a gigantic document. 

Fortunately, in case you’re utilizing an illustrations card encoder, OBS gives a couple of choices to take a stab at utilizing the Preset box. Take a stab at Recording in the event that you don’t require especially high caliber, and up it to High Quality Recording if that is sufficiently bad. Unclear Recording and Near Lossless Recording are valuable on the off chance that you need incredibly top notch recordings, yet know that the documents will be tremendous. 

In case you’re utilizing x264 encoding, you’ll have to set these qualities physically. There’s nobody amazing setting, as the best bitrate relies upon your screen size and arrangement. For 1080p recording at 60FPS, you can begin with something like 40,000kbps and change from that point. 

It’s a smart thought to attempt these choices to see which gives the best equilibrium of value and record size. Have a go at recording a moment of average film, at that point utilize that to assess how enormous of a document you’ll wind up with. 

OBS Output Advanced Options 

OBS output advanced options

The Output tab is likewise home to the Streaming segment of alternatives. In Simple mode, you’ll just need to determine a bitrate, pick between software or equipment encoding, and set the Audio Bitrate. 

Jerk suggests certain streaming bitrates relying upon quality. 1080p at 60FPS should utilize a bitrate of in any event 6,000, while 720p at 30fps can utilize something around 3,000. For the sound bitrate, 160 is a decent standard. You can build this to 192 for better quality, or 320 in the event that you need first class sound. 

On the off chance that you need to jump into the Advanced mode, you’ll discover alternatives like the Streaming tab as talked about above. Clients with an illustrations card encoder can pick Twitch Streaming from the Preset box as a pattern. 

In the event that you’re utilizing the software encoder, you’ll have to enter the bitrate physically. Use CBR (consistent bitrate) for streaming, as VBR (variable bitrate) is conflicting.

Instructions to Record Your Screen With OBS Studio 

Whenever you’ve set everything up, to start screen recording, you should simply click Start Recording on the principle OBS Studio page. The software will quickly begin recording dependent on the current Scene. You can trade Scenes whenever, so ensure you’ve set them up heretofore. 

At the point when you click Stop Recording, OBS Studio will spare your document to the index you indicated in Settings. As referenced before, we suggest playing out a short test recording first to ensure everything looks and sounds worthy. 

To stream with OBS Studio, you’ll first need to interface OBS with your streaming record. Do this by opening Settings and changing to the Stream tab. Under Service, pick your favored site. You’ll discover Twitch, YouTube Gaming, Mixer, and the sky is the limit from there. 

Next, you’ll have to create a streaming key for the administration. Snap the Get Stream Key choice in OBS to hop right to the proper page for your administration. To do this with Twitch, for instance, head to the Stream Key page in Twitch’s (Settings > Channel and Videos) while signed in. Snap Copy and glue this into the Stream Key field in OBS Studio. 


Presently you have an essential comprehension of how to utilize OBS Studio. You can redo it much more to suit your very own requirements, yet this review is intended to set you up to record ongoing interaction locally as well as run your first stream.

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