Gears 6 will reportedly be “more open” than Gears 5

What would your reaction be if we informed you that Gears 6 would feature an entirely open world? Take a time to read the entire article before deciding how you feel about the most recent news in the next Gears of War game before you slam your phone in anger.


Gears 6 is “a little further along than some might think,” according to host Nick “Shpeshal Nick” Baker of the XboxEra Podcast, who also said that “there’s a strong possibility that it may be a full open-world game.” The idea of an entirely open-world architecture sparked a lively discussion in the comment area almost soon following this announcement, with a substantial amount of the feedback being negative.

Shortly after, Nick confirmed that rather than being entirely open-world, the future third-person shooter will feature a setting that was more broad than Gears 5’s.

Gears 5, which made its debut in 2019, broke the linear and structured gameplay established in earlier sequels by introducing a semi-open world environment in which select places, such as the Valley, the Desert, and an ice tundra region, were open to further exploration. Unfortunately, the majority of series fans disliked this new strategy, particularly because The Coalition did little to enhance the immersion of the open-world experience.

Even the one large objective in the desert with the lightning storm doesn’t do much to excite players about the game. Most of the time spent exploring the open-world sections consists of driving around in the skiff vehicle to acquire collectibles.

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Despite being short, Gears 5’s expansion, Hivebusters, was a fresh breath of air from the base game.

Due to the open-world technologies that are helpful when generating and producing huge outside scenes, expanding the open world for Gears 6 is a more viable possibility now that The Coalition has switched to Unreal Engine 5 for its upcoming projects. If this rumor is accurate, it will be interesting to see how the Canadian developer chooses to execute this concept; nonetheless, there are some excellent examples of how to do so, for instance:Google of WarThor k.

Cory Barlog, the game’s producer, described the semi-open world level in the acclaimed Sony adventure game as a “wide linear” experience. The game confines players to linear stages that they can only explore in a specific fashion, despite the fact that they can travel between realms and accomplish side missions at various points throughout the game.

Gamers have tended to like this strategy over the fully open-world settings that most developers seem to favor these days, which ultimately force players to spend an absurd amount of time looking for pointless objects. This is especially true if it includes interesting side quests.

The Coalition will only be responsible for the disaster in the open-style integration of Gears 5 if it decides to repeat it with all eyes on the development of Gears 6. Sticking with a tried-and-true formula would be preferable to taking a chance on losing its devoted following.

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