Fact Check Policy

At TheGameDial, we are committed to providing accurate and reliable information about video games, game reviews, and gaming accessories. Our team of writers, editors, and fact-checkers work diligently to ensure that our content is trustworthy and unbiased. This fact-check policy outlines our commitment to accuracy and transparency in our reporting.

Our Approach to Fact-Checking

At TheGameDial, we follow a rigorous fact-checking process to ensure that our content is accurate and reliable. Our writers and editors use reputable sources to research and verify the information they include in their articles. These sources include academic journals, government reports, industry experts, and other trusted sources.

Once an article is written, it is then reviewed by our team of editors who check for accuracy, clarity, and consistency. The editors also verify that the sources cited in the article are reputable and reliable.

Our fact-checking process includes the following steps:

  1. Research – Our writers and editors use reputable sources to research and verify the information they include in their articles.
  2. Verification – Our editors verify that the information in the article is accurate, up-to-date, and supported by reliable sources.
  3. Peer Review – Articles are reviewed by at least one other editor who checks for accuracy, clarity, and consistency.
  4. Corrections – If errors are found, they are promptly corrected, and a note is added to the article acknowledging the error and the correction.

Sources We Use

At TheGameDial, we use a variety of sources to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our content. These sources include:

  1. Academic Journals – We use academic journals to gather information on the latest research related to video games, gaming accessories, and related topics.
  2. Industry Experts – We seek input from industry experts, including game developers and other professionals, to ensure that our reporting is accurate and up-to-date.
  3. Government Reports – We use government reports to gather information on regulations, legislation, and other policies related to video games and gaming accessories.
  4. Other Trusted Sources – We rely on a variety of other trusted sources, including reputable news organizations, to gather information and ensure the accuracy of our reporting.

Corrections and Retractions

We take the accuracy of our content seriously, and we are committed to promptly correcting any errors that are found. If an error is identified, we will promptly correct it and add a note to the article acknowledging the error and the correction. We will also provide an explanation of how the error occurred and the steps we have taken to prevent similar errors from occurring in the future.

If an error is significant, we may issue a retraction, which will include an explanation of the error, the steps we have taken to address the error, and an apology to our readers.

Transparency and Accountability

At TheGameDial, we are committed to transparency and accountability in our reporting. We clearly label opinion pieces and clearly identify any sponsored content. We also have a clear separation between our editorial team and our advertising team, and our editorial team has full editorial control over the content we publish.


At TheGameDial, we are committed to providing accurate and reliable information to our readers. Our fact-checking process is designed to ensure that our content is trustworthy and unbiased. We are committed to promptly correcting any errors that are found, and we are transparent and accountable in our reporting. Our readers can trust that the information they find on TheGameDial is accurate, reliable, and unbiased.